Arduino Uno R3, Infineon XMC1100 BOOT KIT와 호환되는 평가보드
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- KIT_XMC_LED_DALI_20_RGB 평가보드는 Arduino Uno R3, Infineon사의 XMC1100 BOOT KIT와 호환되는 평가 보드 입니다.
- KIT_XMC_LED_DALI_20_RGB는 정전류로 최대 3개의 LED 채널을 구동 할 수 있으며, 고품질의 LED 조명 솔루션을 구현 할 수 있습니다.
Key Feature
- Arduino Uno R3 및 XMC1100 부트 키트와 호환
- 넓은 DC 입력 전압 범위
- 3채널 RGB LED을 지원하며, 색상 혼합 평가 옵션 제공
- 간단한 I2C 인터페이스 제공
- 고속 펄스 밀도 변조로 인한 깜빡임 없음
Parametrics | Description |
Applications | Lighting / Building Automation / Home appliance |
Board Type | Evaluation Board |
Family | Microcontroller |
Product Description | The XMC 3 channels RGB LED Lighting Shield from Infineon technologies is one of the first intelligent evaluation boards compatible with Arduino as well as Infineon’s XMC1100 BOOT KIT. It is designed to be easily configurable and combinable for different LED light engines and lamps, for fast prototyping and in-expensive evaluation of LED lighting applications. The RGB LED Lighting Shield with XMC1302 uses a DC/DC buck topology and is able to drive up to 3 LED channels with constant current. The shield itself is powered by a programmable XMC 32-bit ARM® MCU with embedded Brightness Color Control Unit (BCCU, XMC1300 MCU series), for flicker-free LED dimming and color control. The BCCU enables extreme low-cost but high quality LED lighting solutions, with minimal user code. The RGB LED lighting shield has also been designed to provide options for the evaluation of smooth, eye-friendly dimming, color mixing for different topologies, and it can be extended with for example DALI/DMX or radar. |
Supply Voltage(Min/Max) | 12.0V~48.0V |
Target Application | Industrial |
Topology | Buck |
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반품 안내
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