Arduino Uno R3 보드 또는 XMC1100 Boot Kit와 연결하여 저비용으로 쉽게 LED와 Lamp를 제어할 수 있는 데모보드
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- KIT_LED_XMC1202_AS_01 보드는 Arduino Uno R3 보드 또는 XMC1100 Boot Kit와 연결하여 저비용으로 쉽게 LED와 Lamp를 제어할 수 있는 데모보드 입니다.
- KIT_LED_XMC1202_AS_01 보드는 DC/DC buck topology를 포함하고 있으며 정전류로 최대 3개의 LED채널을 구동시킬 수 있습니다. 또한 XMC1200 MCU Series의 BCCU(Brightness Color Control Unit)를 통해서 Flicker-free LED dimming및 Color를 제어 할 수 있습니다.
Key Feature
- Compatible with Arduino Uno R3 and XMC1100 Boot Kit from Infineon
- Easy configurable for various light engines and any input voltage (within operating conditions)
- Wide DC input voltage range
- Simple I 2C interface
- Fast prototyping of LED lighting
- Flicker-free light thanks to high-speed pulse density modulation
- Easy-to-use dynamic dimming and color control
- Small size thanks to high-frequency current control (high power density)
- Backdoor access to on-board-microcontroller for advanced users and parameterization
Parametrics | Description |
Application | LED Lighting: LED lighting, Color Control, DMX(Optional) |
Configuration | XMC1202 |
Family | Microcontroller |
Product Name | LED Lighting Application Kit |
Target Application | Lighting |
Type | Evaluation Board |
RGB LED Lighting Shield - Arduino Uno R3 CV - LED Strip with direct access, max 900mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - Standalone example using PDM_DIMMED_LED_LAMP APP
RGB LED Lighting Shield - Tunable White LED Control with Potentiometers using XMCLib
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 1 - LedEngin 24V 700mA - Simple test
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 2 - Safe
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 3 - LedEngin 48V 700mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 4 - LedEngin 48V 700 mA with direct access
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 5 - Traxon Nano XB-18 48V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 6 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 7 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA DMX512 enabled
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 8 - Traxon Nano XB-18 24V 350mA DMX512 enabled
RGB LED Lighting Shield – Standalone example using XMC Lib
RGB LED Lighting Shield – XMC1100 Boot Kit CV – LED Strip with direct access, max 900mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield – XMC1202 Source Code
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 1 - LedEngin 24V 700mA - storage and test
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 2 - Safe
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 3 - LedEngin 48V 700mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 4 - LedEngin 48V 700mA with direct access
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 5 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 6 - Traxon Nano XB-18 48V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 7 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA - DMX512 enabled
RGB_LED_Lighting_Shield-Arduino_Uno_R3 8 - Traxon Nano XB-18 24V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - Standalone example using PDM_DIMMED_LED_LAMP APP
RGB LED Lighting Shield - Tunable White LED Control with Potentiometers using XMCLib
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 1 - LedEngin 24V 700mA - Simple test
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 2 - Safe
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 3 - LedEngin 48V 700mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 4 - LedEngin 48V 700 mA with direct access
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 5 - Traxon Nano XB-18 48V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 6 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 7 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA DMX512 enabled
RGB LED Lighting Shield - XMC1100 Boot Kit 8 - Traxon Nano XB-18 24V 350mA DMX512 enabled
RGB LED Lighting Shield – Standalone example using XMC Lib
RGB LED Lighting Shield – XMC1100 Boot Kit CV – LED Strip with direct access, max 900mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield – XMC1202 Source Code
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 1 - LedEngin 24V 700mA - storage and test
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 2 - Safe
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 3 - LedEngin 48V 700mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 4 - LedEngin 48V 700mA with direct access
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 5 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 6 - Traxon Nano XB-18 48V 350mA
RGB LED Lighting Shield-Arduino Uno R3 7 - Traxon Nano XB-9 24V 350mA - DMX512 enabled
RGB_LED_Lighting_Shield-Arduino_Uno_R3 8 - Traxon Nano XB-18 24V 350mA
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배송 안내
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- 로젠택배 배송정책에 따라 산간지역은 추가 배송료가 발생할 수 있습니다.
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반품 안내
- 제품 특성상 단순 변심에 의한 반품 및 환불은 불가능 합니다.
- 반품 및 교환 신청을 주시는 경우 사유 및 제품 이상 여부 확인을 위해 별도 연락을 드릴 예정이오니 참조바랍니다.
- 일부 상품은 상품의 특성에 따라 교환 및 A/S가 불가능 할 수 있습니다.
- 제품에 하자가 있는 경우 제품 수령 후 7일 이내에 청약철회 (교환/반품) 의사를 밝혀주셔야 합니다.
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- 교환이나 반품 시에는 로젠 택배를 이용해 주셔야 원활하게 처리가 가능합니다.
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